Academy website design | Responsive design | CMS (Content Management System) | Hosting | Website maintenance |

Client: Griffin Schools Trust

‘We need a unique academy website design with a strong family resemblance to tie them to the Griffin School’s Trust.’

The Griffin Schools Trust operates family of schools in the Midlands and the South East of England. Topright were tasked by the Trust to conceptualise and build new a academy website design for each their academies. Eleven schools in total ranging from Primary all the way through to Sixth Form College.

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The Trust requested that The Lammas School would be used as the first school website built on the new platform. This platform would form the basis of each future academy website design. The individual brand design, images and required content will make each of the academy websites unique. However there will be a strong family resemblance to tie the schools sites together to the Griffin School’s Trust. 
Academy website features
topright implemented all the interactive features one would expect from a high-end academy website design. This includes the school’s brand styling. Features such as: a calendar feed; latest Facebook and Twitter feeds; latest news feeds; downloadable elements; a pre-defined content management system that would allow different parts of the content to be edited by either Head Office, the Academy or both. Some parts of the website also feature elements that are feed to all sites by head office. This means that common information only has to be edited in one place.
User experience
To add to the user experience throughout the academy website design there is subtle movement and animation. These animations give the website a ‘cut-above’ feel. Another great feature of the academy website are the omni-present side tabs. These side tabs appear to the right hand side in desktop view and at the foot of the page in mobile view. These Students, Teachers and Parents tabs are always visible. Their links to both external and internal pages help with quick navigating to pages of interest. In turn helping each category of user to navigate to their desired information quicker. The tabs remain fixed in position whist all page information is scrolled beneath.
The academy website design is packed full of imagery and carefully designed typography. This represents the Griffin Schools Trust brand. The website image gallery will be controlled by head office. This ensures good quality images are used that represent and champion the school and  Trust. Topright design produced a bold and professional website that projects the climate and culture of the Trust.

Intuitive side-widgets

Side widgets contain an on-page sub-menu that reflects the section of the site that the user is in. It also contains a ‘month to-view’ of the school calendar (which has the use of the category selection).

Latest news feed

A feed of the latest four news stories to have been written by the school. There is a link to view all the latest stories.

Social feeds

Latest Facebook and Twitter feeds. Also links to each social media account.

Bespoke multi-user CMS

Restricted views and abilities for different user roles including head office and individual schools.
Academy site
website design

School calendar

A month-to-view calendar, opens on the current date. By clicking on the dates in the future you are presented with a list of events for that day. There is a selection ‘dropdown’ tool which allows the user to select a category of dates. These categories can be added to or determined by the school.

Gallery feed

Controlled by Head Office on the site. Good quality images that represent and champion the school.

Omni-present side tabs

User specific menu within site-wide tabs help direct parent, teacher and student to relevant information quickly. These tabs remain at the side of the desktop version and are at the bottom of the mobile browser view.


This appears on all internal pages of this academy website design. It includes the Griffin Schools Trust logo, School address, privacy policy, governance with links to latest news stories and latest tweet.

We could never go anywhere else. Topright suggest and shape great designs because they understand your vision sometimes better than you do yourselves.

Liz LewisChief Executive, Griffin Schools Trust

Topright's creative and high quality branding captures values and ethos.

Liz LewisChief Executive, Griffin Schools Trust

Communication typeface and school colours

Chosen for their versatility, suitability and communication qualities, these Google fonts will be used as HTML and embedded in the site. Georgia represents the majority of usage (predominately in the body copy) as per the GST brand identity.

website fonts



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