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I have admired Apple and all of their products, inspiration zen thinking and intuitive design for years. In fact I have been a foot soldier for them (the sort of loyal customer you want for your brand) a foot soldier that would stand up for Apple at parties, gatherings and the likes when a ‘PC’ pops up and declares Apple to be a bloated non serious tool for art types who don’t understand technology.

But I just saw this message on their website. Is this the sort of future that is better than the one we have now? It looks like a bad sci-fi movie where control is given to a lunatic who is single handedly destroying the earth (or is that the new Apple marketing team?). Now, I’m not ‘all about the environment’ myself, not one of the ‘bandwagon’ types or speak in corporate lip service, but this message and image are very confused. It makes me question – Is Apple confused? What happened to Apple, have they gone mad?

I suppose that everybody says that since Steve Jobs left us this was inevitable and I must say that there have been a few ‘bad moves’ by Apple since his demise. I know that I said that I don’t jump on bandwagons but I suppose if the wagon has truth painted on the side and is heading in the right direction you would be a fool not to climb aboard. The whole holistic and mindful style of yesteryear seems to be lost in a haze of money grabbing, using smoke and mirrors to hide the slight of hand. I mean, have you seen some of the third-party products apple is selling on-line? Don’t get me started on their new operating system – Mavericks.

Rant over.

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